Amethyst Foundations Academy

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I often get some version of the following question in emails, PM’s, etc. Since I don’t have the time to individually answer these emails, I thought my blog was a great way to get the info out there. So here’s the basic question: “I’m completely new to crystals. Which crystals would be good for protection, warding off negative energies, etc.” OK. Firstly, I don’t buy into the whole “negative energies” thing. I feel energy is neutral.

Amethyst Foundation Inc

It’s our perception of the energy that gives it a positive or negative feeling or meaning to us. Meaning, there may be negative feelings within you that are resonating with the frequencies of the energy that you’re experiencing & therefore, it makes that experience feel “bad” to you.

Weekend Impaired Driver Education Program (WIDEP) This is the basic information about the Weekend Impaired Driver Education Program offered by Amethyst Foundation. This stunning Amethyst Healing Crystal has worked alongside me for over 40 hours. It holds the healing memory to strengthen your foundation. Once around you, your.

Amethyst Foundations Academy

If your feelings are high amplitude enough (meaning lots of energy) then it may even attract those frequencies that feel yucky & AMPLIFY them. That will feel bad! We are beings of energy & we’re affected by energy. We’re made of trillions of cells transmitting & receiving energy all the time.

Its so COOL to think of this!!!! Bruce Lipton actually says that our very cell membranes are liquid crystal semiconductors (silicaQUARTZ, BABY!!) with gates & channels that open & close, letting some stuffs in & keeping some stuffs out. He says that our DNA actually scans our environment for relevant frequencies & then reshapes itself accordingly. (We can see this happening under the microscope).

See where I’m going with this, My Sweets? The right crystal will adjust your cell’s perception filters & transmute energy for you! Microscope Parts Quiz. So we have total control over this & can use crystals as a tool & support to help us along. You can also do this without crystals, but if you’d like the extra assit, there are a couple that I like to use. Certain crystals can neutralize & transmute the energetic frequencies so they don’t carry specific frequencies that may resonate with those bad feelings.

Here are a few of my fav’s: 1. Black tourmaline is known for its ability to transmute & “cleanse” energy: 2. Smokey quartz is also THE BOMB for this: 3.

OR my favorite combo for this black tourmaline & smokey quartz: 4. And then there’s GORGEOUS amethyst. Hi, I just wanted to add another semi-precious stone to the list of protective crystals/stones, and that is ” Labradorite”. Time and time again, this crystal has helped to protect me, physically and especially spiritually from detrimental external influences, it can block other people’s projections and even removes energies that mess with one’s aura. It also protects against psychic drain (or the psychic vampire, so to speak,people who, oftentimes, themselves unaware of the effect they have on you) – it also has helped me with intuition, and perception.

Sometimes it can even help you deal with suppressed issues, in a gentle way. Some forms of this stone are called”Bytownite”, which is yellowish, “Violet Hypersthene” which is violet hued of course, and of course the blue/green/brown variety called “Spectrolite”, my favorite. Each of these forms are protective, bytownite also helps withexpanding consciousness, becoming a strong, independent person, and with this kind of stone, you are able to access the highest levels of consciousness. Hypersthene is good for transmuting emotional toxicity within, and facing your worst fears with confidence, Spectrolite protects the soul no matter where it journeys. All three varieties of labradorite are all around highly protective and uplifting, I think it’s qualities are often overlooked, but definitely work well. It’s worth checking them out to see if you are drawn to them.